"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you"

John 15:12

Contact Us:

1201 21st Avenue North
Fargo, North Dakota 58102
701 232-2076




St. Stephen's is a community called by Christ through the Holy Spirit

  • to give thanks to God in weekly common worship

  • to be faithful stewards of the gifts and resources entrusted to us

  • to be bearers of God's healing and reconciling love




St. Stephen's Church


Misc. Links for Worship, Study, & Exploring

Layreader Sermons

A few of the sermons written by Steven Bolduc

Pentecost 7 Yr B
Pentecost 20 YrB
Pentecost 25 yrB

2007 Easter Sermon by Liz Powers

Easter Sunday Year C


Here is a link to the sermons for layreaders to use - Selected Sermons.

Liturgical Calendar and Lectionary

There are some good sites with full text of the Bible in several translations that could be linked. The Bible Gateway has a search feature by verse for the Bible in seven translations. The Resource Pages for Biblical Studies are intended for scholarly study of early Christian writings.

An Anglican Liturgical Library has links to online text from all over the Anglican Communion, including the U.S. Book of Common Prayer. Besides the Liturgical Library, Oremus has a daily lectionary and an Online Anglican Hymnal.

A fascinating site is The Daily Office from The Mission of St. Clare. It has a calendar with The Daily Offices from the Book of Common Prayer, including readings, psalms, and some music.

The Revised Common Lectionary is on a site from Vanderbilt Divinity Library. Another Lectionary Page is based on the Episcopal Lectionary. The Text This Week is based on the Revised Common Lectionary and has links to a number of other interesting sites.

General Sites of Interest

The Episcopal Church

The New Advent connects to most of the Roman Catholic sites.

Grace Before Meals is interesting.

Children's Sermons and Lessons

Youth Resources

A place to register web pages - the Church Locator or Distinctive Church Collection directory. Web pages can be submitted to the popular search engines like AltaVista, AOL, Excite, Hotbot, Infoseek, Lycos, and WebCrawler.

Episcopal Charities and Giving

Episcopal Relief and Development

ONE Episcopalian

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)