"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you"

John 15:12

Contact Us:

120 21st Avenue North
Fargo, North Dakota 58102
701 232-2076




St. Stephen's is a community called by Christ through the Holy Spirit

  • to give thanks to God in weekly common worship

  • to be faithful stewards of the gifts and resources entrusted to us

  • to be bearers of God's healing and reconciling love




St. Stephen's Church

Our church is nestled in a quiet residential neighborhood of north Fargo. It is on the corner of 21st Ave. & 2nd St. North.

From Broadway or Elm St. just turn onto 21st Ave. N. which is only 6 blocks long between those 2 streets



Here is a zoomed out map showing our location at the red star.

From south Fargo, coming up 10th street (one way going north), go east on 19th Ave. N. to Broadway, north 2 blocks to 21st Ave., then east 4 blocks to St. Stephens.

In this overview of WestFargo-Fargo-Moorhead you can see Interstates 29 and 94. Our church is again designated by the red star - east of the airport, near the river.

If you approach by Interstate, it is easiest to go on I-29 to the exit at 19th Ave. N., then east to Broadway, north 2 blocks to 21st Ave., and east 4 blocks to St. Stephen's